Piano und Composition
Nicklas Koppe is a musician and composer based in Weimar. He also works interdisciplinary and as a photographer. His previous physics and his actual music studies lead His interest towards environmental and scientific topics. musically and visually he is active in the network of musicians in Germany.
_____________________________________________________________Nicklas Koppe ist ein in Weimar ansässiger Musiker und Komposer. Durch Seine Studien in Physik und Jazz-piano motiviert, beschäftigt er sich in seiner Arbeit häufig mit der Umwelt- und Klimakrise. Er ist musikalisch und künstlerisch deutschlandweit tätig.
"Don't worry, it's out of control" - Movie and EP
"Don't worry, it's out of control" - Movie and EP
The movie is available on
11.1.25 / naTo Leipzig / Don't worry, its out of control
27.1.25 / Weimar tba / Bachelorkonzert - Don't worry, its out of control and more
3.2.25 / C Keller Weimar / Achim Kaufmann Ensemble der HfM Weimar